Pinia stores can be fully extended thanks to a low level API. Here is a list of things you can do:
- Add new properties to stores
- Add new options when defining stores
- Add new methods to stores
- Wrap existing methods
- Change or even cancel actions
- Implement side effects like Local Storage
- Apply only to specific stores
Plugins are added to the pinia instance with pinia.use()
The simplest example is adding a static property to all stores by returning an object:
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
// add a property named `secret` to every store that is created after this plugin is installed
// this could be a different file
function SecretPiniaPlugin() {
return {
secret: 'the cake is a lie',
const pinia = createPinia()
// give the plugin to pinia
// in another file
const store = useStore()
store.secret // 'the cake is a lie'
This is useful to add global objects like the router, modal, or toast managers.
A Pinia plugin is a function that optionally returns properties to be added to a store. It takes one optional argument, a context:
export function myPiniaPlugin(context) {
context.pinia // the pinia created with `createPinia` // the current app created with `createApp` (Vue3 only) // the store the plugin is augmenting
context.options // the options object defining the store passed to `defineStore()`
// ...
Plugins are only applied to stores created after pinia
is passed to the app, otherwise they won't be applied.
Augmenting(扩大,增大,增强) a Store
You can add properties to every store by simply returning an object of them in a plugin:
pinia.use(() => ({
hello: 'world',
You can also set the property directly on the store but if possible use the return version
so they can be automatically tracked by devtools:
pinia.use(({ store }) => {
store.hello = 'world'
Note that every store is wrapped with reactive
, automatically unwrapping any Ref
, computed()
, ...) it contains:
const sharedRef = ref('shared')
pinia.use(({ store }) => {
// each store has its individual `hello` property
store.hello = ref('secret')
// it gets automatically unwrapped
store.hello // 'secret'
// all stores are sharing the value `shared` property
store.shared = sharedRef
store.shared // 'shared'
This is why you can access all computed properties without .value and why they are reactive.
Adding new state
If you want to add new state properties to a store or properties that are meant to be used during hydration,
you will have to add it in two places:
- On the
so you can access it withstore.myState
- On
so it can be used in devtools and, be serialized during SSR.
On top of that, you will certainly have to use a ref()
(or other reactive API) in order to share the value across different accesses:
import { toRef, ref } from 'vue'
pinia.use(({ store }) => {
// to correctlly handle SSR, we need to make sure we are not overriding an existing value
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(store.$state, 'hasError')) {
// hasError is defined within the plugin, so each store has their individual state property
const hasError = ref(false)
// setting the variable on `$state`, allows it be serialized during SSR
store.$state.hasError = hasError
// we need to transfer the ref from the state to the store,
// this way both accesses: store.hasError and store.$state.hasError
// will work and share the same variable
store.hasError = toRef(store.$state, 'hasError')
// in this case it's better not to return `hasError` since it
// will be displayed in the `state` section in the devtools
// anyway and if we return it, devtools will display it twice.
Adding new external properties
When adding external properties, class instances that come from other libraries, or simply things that are not reactive,
you should wrap the object with markRaw()
before passing it to pinia.
import { markRaw } from 'vue'
import { router } from './router'
pinia.use(store => {
store.router = markRaw(router)
Calling $subscribe
inside plugins
You can use store.$subscribe
and store.$onAction
inside plugins too:
pinia.use(({ store }) => {
store.$subscribe(() => {
// react to store changes
store.$onAction(() => {
// react to store anctions
Adding new options
It is possible to create new options when defining stores to later on consume them from plugins.
For example, you could create a debounce
option that allows you to debounce any action:
const useSearchStore = defineStore('search', {
actions: {
searchContacts() {
// ...
// this will be read by a plugin later on
debounce: {
// debounce the action searchContacts by 300ms
searchContacts: 300
The plugin can then read that option to wrap actions and replace the original ones:
// use any debounce library
import debounce from 'loadash/debounce'
pinia.use(({ options, store }) => {
if (options.debounce) {
// we are overriding the actions with new ones
return Object.keys(options.debounce).reduce((debounceActions, action) => {
debounceActions[action] = debounce(
Note that custom options are passed as the 3rd argument when using the setup syntax:
() => {
// ...
// this will be read by a plugin later on
debounce: {
searchContacts: 300,
A Pinia plugin can be typed as follows
import { PiniaPluginContext } from 'pinia'
export function myPiniaPlugin(context: PiniaPluginContext) {
// ...
Typing new store properties
When adding new properties to stores, you should also extend the PiniaCustomProperties
import 'pinia'
declare module 'pinia' {
export interface PiniaCustomProperties {
// by using a setter we can allow string and refs
set hello(value: string | Ref<string>)
get hello(): string
// you can define simpler value too
simpleNumber: number
It can then be written and read safely:
pinia.use(({ store }) => {
store.hello = 'hola'
store.hello = ref('hola')
store.simpleNumber = Math.random()
// @ts-expect-error: we haven't typed this correctlly
sotre.simpleNumber = ref<Math.random>
is a generic type that allows you to reference properties of a store.
pinia.use(({ options }) => ({ $options options }))
We can properly type this by using the 4 generic types of PiniaCustomProperties:
import 'pinia'
declare module 'pinia' {
export interface PiniaCustomProperties<Id, S, G, A) {
$options: {
id: Id,
state?: () => s
options? A
Typing new state
When adding new state properties (to both, the store
and store.$state
), you need to add the type to PiniaCustomStateProperties
instead. Differently from PiniaCustomProperties
, it only receives the State generic:
import 'pinia'
declare module 'pinia' {
export interface DefineCustomStateProperties<S> {
hello: string
Typing new creation options
When creating new options for defineStore()
, you should extend the DefineStoreOptionsBase
Differently from PiniaCustomProperties
, it only exposes two generics: the State and the Store type, allowing you to limit what can be defined.
For example, you can use the names of the actions:
import 'pinia'
define module 'pinia' {
export interface DefineStoreOptionsBase<S, Store> {
// allow defining a number of ms for any of the actions
debounce?: Partial<Record<keyof StoreActions<Store>, number>>